Little of the Vibration Will Return

by Kim Shuck
At 526 years the fetus is developing thalamic connections 
Neutrons fluoresce
Limbic system a web spinning into
Transgender home for our research
Water flower shifts
One day and the next
They embrace the diversity of experience of
Branches snapped
With science-based fingertips
A focus
A y-shaped brain connection
This human body is evidence-based
Here in the furniture fort of our entitlement
Chemistry bathing in new attachments
We sing the forbidden words into the
Little of the vibration will return
Your self
An idea banned before the seed swells
Before the shell cracks

© Kim Shuck. All rights reserved.

Kim Shuck's life has now lost all semblance of control. In June she was named the 7th poet laureate of San Francisco and she can now be found reading pretty much all the time, everywhere in the greater SF Bay Area. She is having a fantastic time and is grateful for the honor. Her most recent book is Clouds Running In

River, Blood, And Corn Literary Journal: A Community of Voices

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