Abrazando la Diversidad en la Escritura

Embracing Diversity in Writing 
By Aurora Garcia

Being a Latina whose first language is Spanish, I prefer to read and write in Spanish.  There are a couple different reasons for this. First, I love my language. Spanish is a rich, vast, delicious, poetic and fun language. I will in English, especially when something was initially written in English. However, I believe that we often lose some of the meaning the author had intended when writing is translated. Some things just cannot be translated. Yet, when it comes to diversity, not everything needs translating, because some feelings and situations are universal.

My favorite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez and 
One Hundred Years of Solitude is my favorite book. Garcia Marquez, in my opinion, personifies a perfect writer.  First, the richness of our vocabulary is overwhelming. I can’t get over how he interlaces words that can be so simple and quotidian, yet he and only he could create such magic with those common words.  I love the way he can make you look at a life in a snapshot and make you know that character with all virtues and defects.  I’m in love with his sarcasm, sense of humor and realism. He is realistic in the way he paints a character and then he adds the magical realism that allows you dream and wonder how he came up with those ideas.

I believe that we should all be exposed to diversity in reading. The world is a small place and we need to focus more on the similarities than in our differences. I have read stories about people in China or India and it always goes back to how we can relate or understand their situation. 

Regardless of the culture, we share the same feelings and situations. It probably comes natural for me to feel that way, but it may not be the case for everybody. I witnessed a lot of racism and closed minds. I have seen Caucasians with a sense of entitlement and don’t care to even consider trying to understand other cultures. Or they will travel to other countries and expect the people to adapt to their American ways, instead of enjoying the differences and the richness that each culture has to offer. 

I’ve also seen a lot of rejection in the Latino culture in terms of language. Some may say that their country speaks the best Spanish. People have a need to compare and feel superior to others. For me, loving Spanish, I see differences in language as an excuse to make it more vast and interesting.  When I hear a different Latin-American accent or wording, I find it great and enjoy listening to the different ways of speaking. If everyone were more open and more welcoming to diversity in reading, it would open more possibilities for tolerance amongst everybody.

Thank you to author Terra Trevorwho invited me to join the growing number of readers, authors, publishers and writers who are passionate about diversity and have launched an online campaign calling for more diversity in publishing, and inviting writers to answer the following questions:

Q. Why do you write what you do? And, how does your work differ from others of its genre?

My writing is informal, and sometimes I feel awkward being called a writer. I write off and on, and sometimes there are long stretches when I read instead of write. I enjoy writing, but it is a process I cannot force. Also, when I read works by great writers, I question my writing. I write personal essays, intimate writing, but I also write about society. I believe as a Latina I can write about the mistakes we make as Latinos. It’s like in a family, you feel like you can tell your family what they’re doing wrong, but you cannot stand hearing anybody else telling them the same thing.

One of the first mistakes we make as Latinos is segregation. It would make a huge difference is if every Latin American could see other Latin Americans as part of the same culture. Just like in the language, it would make a tremendous difference if we embraced the different cultures and enjoyed the differences instead of being so defensive. Yes it is great to have a sense of pride in one’s country, but I don’t think it’s contradictory to at the same time have a feeling of inclusion towards others. Embracing the multiplicities of the Spanish language will make us stronger, and offer respect from other countries when they see segregation is not an option.

Q: How does your writing process work?

I write whatever appeals to me, and I believe my passion for writing (and reading) was inherited from my father who wrote songs and poetry.


Aurora Garcia is a nonfiction writer and essayist who was born in La Piedad, Michoacan, Mexico. She moved to California in 1989, when she was 14 years old. This is about the time when she began writing, but throughout her teen and young adult years she kept her writing to herself for fear of being exposed. Although fluent in English and Spanish she instinctively writes in Spanish, as it is her native language. 

Aurora lives with her husband and son. She loves life, nature, art, music, and diversity, admiring the contrasts and richness of her homeland culture, as well as the beautiful language that Spanish is. Aurora believes her passion for writing was inherited from her father who wrote songs and poetry.

One More Reason Why We Need Diverse Lit

By Linda Rodriguez

The other day I had a conversation with a very wealthy and well-educated white man. This conversation still bothers me. Probably because it’s a discussion whose main points I’ve had to deal with many times before with other people. Note: this guy was not some ignorant, insensitive racist spouting ethnic slurs.

Still, he didn’t understand what I was talking about because ultimately he was not yet able to stand outside his privilege of white skin, male gender, and inherited wealth. I say, “not yet,” because I refuse to give up hope for him and others I’ve encountered like him, who have genuinely good intentions but can’t get past the blinders of privilege. Earlier conversations with such people have focused around the difficult lives of women living in poverty, the automatic racism encountered over and over by people of color that can leave them justifiably hypersensitive, and similar topics. This conversation centered on books. More 

#WeNeedDiverseBooks  #diverselit 

Punta del Este Pantoum

By Chip Livingston

Accept my need and let me call you brother,
Slate blue oyster, wet sand crustacean,
In your hurrying to burrow, wait.  Hover.
Parse opening’s disaster to creation’s

Slate, to another blue-eyed monstrous sand crustacean,
Water-bearer.  Hear the ocean behind me,
Pursued, asking to be opened, asking Creation
To heed the tides that uncover you nightly.

Water-bearer, wear the water beside me,
Hide your burying shadow from the shorebirds,
But heed the tides that uncover you nightly.
Gems in sandcastles, stick-written words,

Hidden from the shadows of shorebirds,
Washed over by water.  Water’s revelatory
Gems, sand, castles, sticks, words –
Assured of erasure, voluntary erosion.

Watched over with warrior resolution,
Crab armor, claws, and nautilus heart,
Assured of a savior, reconstruct your evolution,
Clamor to hear, water scarab, what the tampered heart hears.

A scarab’s armor is light enough to fly.
In your hurry to burrow, wait.  Hover.
Hear the clamor of the crustacean’s heart.
Heed this call of creation. Call me brother.
First published in SING:Poetry of the Indigenous Americas
The University of Arizona Press, 2011

How is it 
we stopped for directions to Cabo Polonio
and I smelled Fry bread? It couldn’t be,
I said, telling you quickly my hungry Indian
history.  You replied Estas son tortas fritas,
una comida del campo desde hace mucho tiempo,  
then Oh my God, those are my grandfathers!
And there they were, from Aguas Dulces,
visiting an old friend who ran the roadside stand,
a woman already wrapping the sweet dough
and packing it in a plastic bag with napkins
for us to eat on the sand dunes, trying to figure out
with your grandmother how long it had been
since the last time she’d seen you, only then
as tall as the hand she held at the pocket
of her thin denim skirt, and how was it again
that you and she were related.  I watched this
in English, waiting to taste the difference
I wouldn’t find in what your ancestors
and my ancestors fed us.  How is it
we shared this flour and fat they fried
as golden as buttered toast, on a dune buggy
ride to a village without roads or electricity,
ate this ancient bread on ancient rocks
watching seals you call los lobos
de mar, envisioning a new Picasso? 
We ate these tortas as the sun dove,
as the moon rose a day before it would be full,
telling each other the names of our appetites
in two languages winnowed down to basics:
Do you like me? Do you like the bread? How is it?

First published in SING: Poetry of the Indigenous Americas 
The University of Arizona Press, 2011
Copyright © Chip Livingston. All rights reserved.

Chip Livingston is the mixed-blood Creek author of two collections of poetry, CROW-BLUE, CROW-BLACK and MUSEUM OF FALSE STARTS, and a collection of short stories, NAMING CEREMONY, Lethe Press, 2014. Chip has received fiction awards from Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas, Wordcraft Circle of Writers and Storytellers, and the AABB Foundation. Chip grew up on the Florida-Alabama border and now lives in Colorado, where he teaches writing online, and is a faculty mentor in the low-rez MFA program at Institute of American Indian Arts in New Mexico. 

River, Blood, And Corn Literary Journal: A Community of Voices

Copyright © 2010-2024. Individual writers and photographers retain all rights to their work, unless they have other agreements with previous publishers.We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive.—Barry Lopez, in Crow and Weasel